Place: Anapoima, Anolaima, Apulo, Cachipay, El Colegio, La Mesa, La Palma, Quipile, San Cayetano, San Antonio Tequendama, San Juan Rio Seco, Tena, Viotá, Pacho, Paime, Chipaque, Choachí, Fómeque, Fosca, Guayabetal, Gutiérrez, Quetame, Ubaque, Une, Viane, Cáqueza Year: 2013-2014-2015
The training process, certified by the Universidad Minuto de Dios, was aimed at coexistence coordinators and psycho-educators from public schools in the department of Cundinamarca. The content seeks to raise awareness and make known Law 1216 of 2013 for school coexistence, promoting the adoption of simple tools from yoga for the promotion of healthy school environments. We also aim to provide a space for self-care and self-awareness of the participants to foster the creation of tools for peace in the new generations.
Non-profit organization designing and implementing creative alternatives for peace based on scientific evidence
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