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All our protocols have been evaluated by independent third parties with the highest standards of quality. We are pioneers worldwide in assessments of mind-body strategies and restorative practices for mental health, reconciliation, and collective trauma healing.


Peace Profile: Dunna.

En: Peace Review A Journal of Social Justice. Nov 2019.

Autora: Helen Cushing

Dance movement strategies training to help rebuild social capital in Colombia

En: Intervention, Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas. 2018.

Autores: Natalia Quinones, Yvonne Gomez, Diana M. Agudelo, Gabriela Martínez & María Adelaida López

Yoga, Social Justice, and Healing the Wounds of Violence in Colombia.

En: UC Berkley, Race and Yoga 2018.

Autores: Natalia Quiñones, María Adelaida López y Mayme Lefurgey

Yoga for the prevention of depression anxiety, and aggression and the promotion of socialemotional competencies in school-aged children.

En: Education Research and Evaluation. 2015.

Autores: Ana María Velásquez, María Adelaida López, Natalia Quiñonez & Diana Patricia Paba

Efficacy of a Satyananda Yoga Intervencion for Reintegrating Adults Diagnosed with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

En: International Journal of Yoga Therapy. 2015.

Autores: Natalia Quiñones; Yvonne Gómez Maquet, PhD; Diana María Agudelo Vélez, PhD; Maria Adelaida López, MA

Theses on Our Work

Journal Collaborations

Profundizar las relaciones para cambiar los sistemas

Las relaciones son fundamentales para crear vínculos de empatía que colaboren al cambio social. Así luce el trabajo "relacional" en Latinoamérica.

National and International Academic Events