Mail: Phone: +57 317 383 12 83

What We Do at Dunna

Dunna - Mental Health and Psychosocial Care (SMAPS)

Dunna - Reconciliation and Peacebuilding

Dunna - Girls, Boys, Adolescents, and Youth

Nuestro Enfoque

We believe that without individual and collective mental health, the construction of peace is not possible. Global peace begins from within each individual. Mind-body strategies are vital because trauma resides in the body and does not fully heal until it is addressed in its entirety.

Our work approach is trauma-sensitive and recognizes the differences and self-determined needs of each community, co-constructing protocols from the bottom up with the participants. Our programs implement gender and harm reduction approaches. We invest in robust, long-term intervention processes that build capacities in individuals and communities to manage their own well-being.

Mental health is not only individual but also communal and flourishes in recognizing interdependence. Therefore, it is vital to address and heal relationships between individuals, communities, and with nature. By healing collective trauma and relationships with community and territory, we seek to make visible and transform mental models that perpetuate narratives of division in both individual and collective realms.